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Why our Mission Statement?

An effective mission statement has support from all people involved in the program, is consistent with current values and beliefs, and desires transformational leadership. Our mission statement below signifies those needs by discussing input from members, listing broad values and beliefs, as well as a noting servant-leadership mentality. This statement is to keep all coaches and staff accountable for their actions both on and off the track. By revisiting this statement each year, we can discuss changes and enhance the statement to have parents and outside members understand the purpose of our club.


The purpose of Split City Sonics Track & Field Club is to promote fair and competitive opportunities for youth athletes to enhance their fundamental training skills, create a positive learning experience, and to develop values for athletes to use outside of athletics. We believe in an athlete-centered approach by providing athletes the means necessary to develop both physical and mental capabilities to perform at their best. 


Why our Team Philosophy?

Like a mission statement, we want our team philosophy to be clear and honest. We would not list a value or a belief if we personally did not agree with it. The purpose of our philosophy is to make parents and athletes aware of how we conduct ourselves throughout the season, while also helping you understand what is common at this level in track and field.


As a coaching staff, we believe that all athletes shall be given the opportunity to train and compete, with the overall goal of creating a positive learning environment where athletes feel confident in their event and skill capabilities. We encourage a train to compete atmosphere, as we have various athletes with goals to be competitive at all levels. We work with all athletes to develop physical literacy, enhance specific event skill capability, and to ensure personal excellence within each day. With each season, our overall goals remain the same: be competitive as a team and individually at meets, qualify numerous athletes for respective teams, and promote the team in a positive manner to future athletes, parents, and stakeholders.


As coaches, we ask that if you have time, for parents to stay during a practice or a meet. Then you are able to understand how we interact with your athlete and create opportunities to teach our values and beliefs to them through sport. There are times where we cannot control our environment and must adapt, so in a way we are always able to change the delivery method of our philosophy so everyone involved are able to understand clearly.


We also have expectations for all members of our club, whether you are an athlete, a parent, or a coach.

  • For athletes, in order to gain experience and have confidence to compete, we ask that you are able to make it to as many practices as possible. Being late to practices means other athletes are already ahead of you and you have to work to catch up. If you are going to be late, please let one of the coaches know well in advance. Be honest with your coach about how you feel that day so we can adjust the workout to fit your needs and/or injuries more efficiently.

  • For parents, we ask that you respect the limited time we have with your athlete each practice. If you have questions about training, what events to put your child in, or anything else, please ask us after practice. We want all attention on the athlete and be able to avoid any outside distractions so they can get the best training experience possible that day. 

  • For coaches, we ask that our staff is open to new learning opportunities, stay on top of their programming, and be active listeners when it comes to working with other coaches, athletes, and parents. As coaches, we strive to increase our awareness by continuously learning and trying to get better at our job!


Tuesday (Civic Centre)

5:00pm - 6:15pm

Thursday (Servus Sports Centre Canadian Tire Fieldhouse (North Field)

5:00 - 6:30pm

Sunday (Servus Sports Centre Canadian Tire Fieldhouse (North Field)
4:30pm - 6:00pm


Servus Sports Centre

4420-50 Avenue, Lloydminster, AB


Centennial Civic Centre 

5405 49 Ave, Lloydminster, SK 

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