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Purpose of Parent Education

The purpose of this website is to create a parent-friendly outlet that is simple to navigate and serves to answer any questions regarding the Split City Sonics. Through drop down menus, interactive videos, direct links, and research articles, we hope that this helps you understand and learn how the Split City Sonics operates and conducts itself in a professional manner.


The basis of this website was built around one research article and one book chapter. The article discusses a 4-step process about parent education programs with hopes of creating positive sport experiences for youth athletes and parents. Second, a book chapter which details an understanding of working with parents of youth athletes. Using both of these concepts, we have created an informative section to our website to promote proper parent education and a positive, long-lasting coach-parent-athlete relationship in the process.

Mandatory Parent Education Programs can Create Positive Youth Sport Experiences (2016)

Parent education comes in many forms, but none can be successful unless they are implemented early and consistently. Authors Christofferson and Strand (2016) state the purpose of this research article is to discuss reasons why parental training opportunities are beneficial to provide guidelines for such education programs, how to implement these types of programs, and also how to hold parents and other members accountable throughout the sport seasons. The article stresses a parent-centered and athlete-centered approach, where coaches, administrators, and even stakeholders should be placing top priority on reaching out to their audience to ensure a positive experience is happening for everyone involved.


The article places emphasis that a strong, parent education program should address the following 4 points: 1) understanding the sport's philosophy, values, and beliefs, 2) highlight general rules of the sport, 3) displaying sportsmanship, and 4) recognizing self-awareness to manage behaviors.

Understanding and Working with Parents of Young Athletes (2017)

The purpose of this book chapter is just like the title says, understanding and working with parents of youth athletes. Written by Knight and Newport (2017), the chapter looks into common parent misconceptions and experiences with overseeing their child(ren) participate in sports, while also focusing on ways coaches can manage and engage with parents to ensure their experience with youth sports is positive and enlightening. This 9 page chapter is a short but informative read about common sport culture, understanding athlete and parent needs, creating focused support groups, as well as facilitating parent networks to discuss problems and solutions.


Tuesday (Civic Centre)

5:00pm - 6:15pm

Thursday (Servus Sports Centre Canadian Tire Fieldhouse (North Field)

5:00 - 6:30pm

Sunday (Servus Sports Centre Canadian Tire Fieldhouse (North Field)
4:30pm - 6:00pm


Servus Sports Centre

4420-50 Avenue, Lloydminster, AB


Centennial Civic Centre 

5405 49 Ave, Lloydminster, SK 

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